Monday, June 22, 2009

Well I am horrible at blogging. I am going to try to be good. we just got back from nephi this morning at 7:30 AM. I will give you an update on our lives. we are currently in Cedar City, Ut. Nate just graduated with his bachelors in May in Ag Business. He is currently working for the BLM. Owen turned 2 in March. He is learning his ABC's he knows half of them. He can also count to 10. I am pretty proud for my smarty pants, but he is also smart in ways I don't want him to be. Like remembering everything I say and then repeating it at later dates. Some of his favorites are, "I am sick and tired" and "Leave me alone, I am trying to sleep." It is great. He loves horses, cowboys, bulls and basically any other creature with 4 legs. Dakota was born December 14, 2008. She is already 6 months. it is CrAzY! We just got our new family pics taken on saturday. I am excited to see them. Dakota is sitting up and almost scooting. She is very fun. she is happy and smiles alot. Owen can make her laugh pretty hard just by making funny noises and faces at her. She also loves her aunt and Uncle Keagan and Vanessa. She also loves her other aunts and uncles. Owen loves them all, especially Keagan and nessa and Jen! Dakota will someday love her Grandpa's, they will probably be her favorites a year from now. Well that is all for now. BYe