Sunday, August 23, 2009


Dakota crawled today, finally! It was a broken leg crawl but it was a crawl and she put all her effort into it. I was so proud of her!! She was pretty proud of herself. Owen was clapping for her and saying Kota crawl to me. He would put his hands out. It was pretty cute! Grandma and grandpa Searle watched the kids for nate and I today while we went to the Oqquirh Mountain Temple Dedication. It was nice to sit by him and have his arm around me without kids to worry about. When we were leaving Grandma's house nate pointed to Grandpa suggesting that Owen give him a hug. Owen stopped, looked around and looked at Nate and said, "What?" It was pretty funny. He then gave grandpa a hug. then as we were walking out the door, he was shutting it and stopped, opened it again and said, Kisses! He went and gaave them both a kiss and then left and shut the door. Then he looked through the side window by the door and said, "Grandma," she would then look and he would go to the other side and do it. After playing that game for a minute, we told him we needed to go, so he looked in the window again and said, "Grandma, Owens got to go bye-bye." Then we left. We have pretty neat kids!!! Dakota loves to attack owen and squeal at him. We make war cry noises when we wrestle, so when she wrestles she tries to do the same thing, but hers sound sweet. She is quite the character. Owen the other day at grandmas house saw the picture of the St. George Temple on her wall and pointed excitedly and informed her "you have a temple!" Just when you think they are not learning and are ignoring you, they throw a fast curve ball at ya! It made me feel good! Well we love you all and are doing good! Just waiting for a Job opportunity, but it will come in time!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Go Girl! Go!

Dakota got on her hands and knees today and really tried to crawl. So maybe she will be crawling soon. this is the first time she has actually put effort in to it1 Yea!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Owen and His Sweetness

Owen came in our room at about 6 am this morning. Nate was already at work and Owen says to me, "I want daddy!" I said, "I know sweetie, but daddy is at work." He then replied, "daddy fishing!" Owen has not seen Nate since last night at 6 pm when Nate went fishing. He wanted to go so bad and he has been asking for him since. It is sad! Owen, knowing that I was not ready to get up this morning, said "kiss," he then did so, "sleep good mommy." Then he went and played for 30 minutes before he came in again. This time he brought me a horse so I could play with him. Dakota then woke up and we went to greet her good morning. She was sitting up and almost to a complete standing position against the side of her crib. I think it is time to lower her crib so she doesn't fall out!! She is doing much better with the babysitting thing. She cries for a minute and then is fine. Every once in a while she fusses and needs to be comforted, but then she is fine again. It is nice!! Thanks Grandma Searle for helping us out with her!!! I am cooking a roast for dinner tonight, just because I wanted to. I am excited, especially to see nates reactions to a yummy dinner. I put carrots in it from our garden and soem onions and potatoes. Then a little salt, pepper and some other yummy seasonings. Yea!!! Well things are good. Got a thing in the mail with a 2 days 2 nights free carribean cruise and $1300 voucher for traveling. anyways it is bogus, they want your money and it is too bad that you don't really get what you think you are getting. Too bad, it would be fun!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I Can Do It Myself!

So We have started to read books all together in Dakota's room before she goes to bed at night. One night we read a sesame street book, "I can Do it Myself." Nate read it, "I can put my toys away. I can do it myself.I can pour my juice. I can button my buttons.I can comb my hair.I can water my plant.I can put on my boots. I can write my name.I can make my bed. I can do it myself. I can ride my tricycle. I can set the table. I can brush my teeth. I can look at this whole book. I can do it myself." After each phrase nate would say, Owen would look at Dakota and repeat it while doing the actions to it. it was so cute. The brushing the teeth part has a horsey brushing his teeth. so Owen said, "I can brudh the horseys teeth," while doing the actions. Dakota sure loved it and we enjoyed watching it!!! He even buttoned his shirt that didn't have buttons.

Dakota pulled herself to standing position today using the couch. she thought that was pretty neat, me too. She is way fun and playful. The other night she decided she didn't want to go to bed, so after crying bloody murder for a half hour, i went and got her. She wanted oatmeal. so we gave it to her. then she wanted to play. so her and Owen stayed awake until 10 pm playing. They laughed and giggled. She sure has a happy personality with a very cute and sweet sqeal, smile and laugh. Most of you think otherwise because you probably have never seen it. She really is a happy baby who makes us all smile and laugh. She just has stranger/seperation anxiety really bad right now. My sister, Holly, was as ornery as Dakota towards other people too. she grew out of it and so will Dakota, I hope!! It is such a blessing to have such a special spirit in our home. She has a way of cheering you up even when you are wanting her to go to sleep. Sometimes when we are trying to get her to sleep, and you are holding her in your arms, she will be almost there and then she will suddenly look up at you and smile. You can't help but smile back. She has a very sweet and contagious smile. Owen, and everybody, sure loves to do anything to get a smile out of her. Her laugh, that is another story! Well we sur elove our family and friends. We hope you all enjoy reading this and hopefully feel in touch through it. We love reading your comments.