Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sweet note from the Curry's

I recieved a sweet note from our landlords aka adopted grandparents. I thought it was so sweet I wanted to share it. Bill is an artist this is one of his pictures. They used to own a gallery but shortly after thier only daughter died of a brain hemmorrhage and left her 2 kids and husband behind, then Nita worked at the gallery to keep that off her mind, well one day she wasn't thier and her worker was. a guy came in with a gun and shot the worker. After that she had a breakdown and shut it down. He is very talented. So this little background of them is to help explain the note. She has surgery last week and she really has no kids to take care of her. She has a son here in town, but he isn't to swell at helping. he tries, but his wife is a bit controlling so he is not much help. Nita is concerned she will have no one to take care of her. so when she got home from surgery I bropught her a bouquet and dinner. i did not expect anything in return and this what I got in the mail. This card with a note!