Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Get To See Nate on Wednesday

Well we get to see Nate on wednesday night until thursday. I got all of your letters. thank you. I learned a new anf fun and very cute craft at Super Saturday. I am making one for all of the girls for Xmas. Sorry boys, I don't think you would like them. But you might like to see them on your wives. LOL The kids are good. Owen is wild!!! He is a boy, but other than that he has been really good. he has been a big help. Dakota misses daddy, she wines alot more. I don't know how they are going to react to sseing him. Austin has a cold, poor boy. They have been sleeping pretty good. We have been outside alot until now. It is cold today and windy. We were going to go to the Zoo tomorrow for play group. Our frineds have passes and Guest passes, so we would have got in free, but weather isn't cooperating!! :( I was excited. Oh Well! another day. I don't know if you all heard about Owen's "King of the rock" It was a fun adventure. We were at the park with a friend last week for like 3 hours. towards the end we got caught up in conversation and weren't really paying attention. My friend looked over and Owen was standing on top of the 7 foot climbing rock with his pants down. Yes he was peeing and then some... I run over their and tell him to get down and he says but I ppoped. What?! For real! Yup! Right on top of the rock in clearview of lots of construction workers and a bust street. FUN!! So I carried him down trying to be careful not to get poop on me. I clean him up and then climbed on the rock and cleaned it up. PARENTS BEWARE!! lol Meanwhile my friend is cracking up laughing. When I was getting Owen in the car, i said, "Don't ever do that again." He replied, "But mom, I was on the rock playing, and I gots to poop, so..." It was kind of funny. I am not sure I would have thought so if my friend wasn't their laughing. lol Well we are good and are making friends. We Love you all and thank you for your support.

Love the Searle's


  1. Thanks for writing! I'm so glad Nate gets to come home today!! Be sure and tell us all about his first week!! Glad things are going well. We love you!!!

  2. Enjoy having Nate home. It sounds like you are making lots of friends. You need to blog more so we know what is going on and can see pics of the kids.

  3. I do need to blog more. next time I will take notes of the week and then blog about it.
