Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hard Night

Well last night was a rough night and it makes it even more rough when you know you have to do it alone, with no breaks. Owen woke up at 10 and would not go back to sleep regardless of my every efforts. He thought of every excuse to get up over and over again. time out didn't work, talking didn't work, rubbing his back didn't work. After 2 hours I quit and let him in bed with me. Even then he would not sleep. He complained of his stomach hurting. So i tried to be patient, but wasn't very so. He tossed and turned and would or could not relax until finally 2 am. So from 2 to 6:30 I slept good. Then kota woke me up. Amazingly I was able to make it through the day totally functionable, but I can't do it another night. I have been trying to get Austin to sleep better. Since we have moved he has been waking every 3 to 4 hours to eat and sometimes more. We have a pretty spacious closet and so I moved him out of Owens room and into their so that he won't wake them up if i let him cry for 20 minutes. So far he has been doing good. It stays warm in their and the close muffle some of the noise. Last night he woke up 2 times and I thought he wanted to eat. It had been 5-6 hours, which is improvement, but he didn't eat. He ended up going through the whole night without eating. when I wnet in to get him he was sitting up. I don't know how he did it and haven't seen him do it since. He is getting his body of the ground and can scoot and move around while sitting up. He talks and squeals alot and will grab my face and pull it to his and slobber on me. I would like to think that it is his way of kissing me and saying I love you. He has such a sweet little laugh. He makes all smile! Dakota is cute but mischevious!! She will go up to Owen and take the toy he is playing with and then run and hide. He of course screams and goes after it, sometimes she will throw it back at him before he reaches her. It is kind of humorous. She is alwai\ys taking care of Austin. You can bet if he lets out a little cry she is their before me. She will hand him toys and whisper words to him and then will give him his binky. Sometimes it makes him more upset, but her efforts are sweet and cute. Her Birthday is coming up and I bought her a princess table with chairs. I think she will love it. I am trying to do a theme for each kid for Xmas. Owens is Toy story. He loves Buzz and woody, but mostly Buzz. Dakota's is Princess along with Play Kitchen. Austin, I don't know. I thing I will just by him some yummies to eat. I am excited for Christmas this year, but a little bit sad, cause i haven't figured out what I want to do for a Xmas tree. A few have our neighbors have some pretty lights out and Owen keeps saying he wants some and every time we go to the store he gets excited to see the Xmas tree. It is just so hard to do with out nate here to help. Oh well. we will see what happens. Owen si trying to be such a big boy and help me out. I am blessed!!

1 comment:

  1. We all have bad nights sometimes! I'm sorry you and Owen had one. I hope things go better now. Kota is such a cutie with Austin!! I can just picture her mothering him and helping. You are so blessed to have all three of them!!
