Wednesday, November 24, 2010


So we just heard about the huge storm in Utah. It is holding our friends back from coming for thanksgiving. We are sad!! Oh well! I am still going to do dinner, we will just have alot of leftovers. :( Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Anyways, Last night I made Homemade chicken nuggets they were yummy. I can't go back to frozen. They were so yummy and EASY!!!!! So if anybody wants a recipe I will let you know a good one. My sister is coming December 10th-14th. I am way excited. It will be fun to have company!! Owen busted me the other night. I put the kids to bed and to relax I put a movie on that I got in the mail from Netflix. Well, I thought Owen was asleep. NOPE! He was already fighting going to bed anyways, so when he came out after awhile for the third or fourth time. I quit!! So he sat and watched the movie with me. The next night was a pain too. I didn't get him to bed until 9 with the help of a few drops of melatonin. He has not done this for a really long time. i don't know what the deal is. The first night he wasn't in bed until 11. Then last night after I got Owen to bad. I layed down and slept for an hour before Austin woke up. Yeah, he didn't go to bed until 1:20. I made him cry for 20 0r so minutes and that wasn't working so I went and got him and attempted to rock him, but he had that twinkle in his eyes and a smile on his face. After that I couldn't be mad or frustrated, it was so cute!! So I snuggled and kissed him for a minute, then put him on the floor with some toys as I laid in the recliner snuggled up to a blanket. He played for almost 40 minutes or something. It is all a blur. Then he went to sleep until 6, ate then slept until 8. What a turkey!! Dakota sleeps through it all. Bless her. Atleast I got one child that sleeps like me. Well, I hope all is well in Utah and that everyone drives safe. I am excited to get to spend 4 days with Nate, but I have a feeling it will go by too fast. Owen lieks to play school and most of the tiem I am Miss Carol! HAHa! He talks about her class and her all of the time and still tells me what he learned in her class. It is cute and sad all at the same time. I need to find him a teacher as good as her. Several times a day I will go to grab my dish towel off the counter and find that it is missing. Later I will find one of Dakota's babies wrapped in it on the floor somewhere. I have learned to just let her keep one and I get a new one. SHe is so funny and has the mother and caregiver gene encrypted into her DNA! Austin has been teething and is very grouchy sometimes. He will cry if I am not holding him or right next to him. I wish they could get all of thier teeth at once and be done, but that would make life to easy! :) When he is happy, he is such a doll. I do have to say that his grouchy is not as bad as some though. He is a heartthrob!! Well we are good and are making it. We love you all!

Love Nellie and the kids!

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