Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Home for 24 hours, sure feels good. Only have three days of work next week. I have a gut feeling they will not be easy, hehehehe, Week three went by well. The law class I took was interesting and fun. Hard to sit in a class for eight hours every day, but nice to see a paycheck. Push ups are getting better. Yesterday instead of a run, we ran half mile to a school and did a fart lick run around the track for a mile and half, than on the football field we did other things that hurt, wheel barrel, crab crawl, bear crawl, low crawl aka the crawl you see army guys do on their bellies, fire man carry (that one hurt the next day, I sure feel that in the back), It was kinda fun though. Duty Sargent this week, we had room inspections a couple of times. One time I was standing at attention, he comes and looks at me a couple of times. Walks past me and comes back. He said "Searle, have you lost waight?" I replied, Sir yes sir. He said How much? I said, Sir this recruit does not know" it was kinda of interesting. I knew my pants were getting bigger, but the Duty Sargent only comes for one week at a time. I must dropped some last week. Must have been his 35 minute raindeer games one night :)
I actually like it though. When the pain starts, I think of me fighting a bad guy. that helps. Some times I have a face in my head of the guy I'm beating, that is fun too :)
Thanks for the letters, I do read them often more than once. When I get a chance. I have sent everyone a letter now. I hope to do that every couple weeks. Hard to sit and right a good letter. So sorry, but I hope you enjoy what you do get from me. Your prayers are being answered. the Lord is sure good to me and my little family. thank you so much for the prayers. That means a lot to me.

Love you all,

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